Monday, March 10, 2008

Yes, I think it is fair to say I am Mad and I will not take it any longer

ok... I no longer have a tv... so I cannot throw it out the window....


I do not know why I have to beg the courts of the United States of America to provide life sustaining medical care to a man we are holding in our gulag...

but beg I continue to do...
and of course I will continue until his dying breath...
(which will most likely be sooner rather than later)

I guess it is because I am a lawyer
and remarkably
I still (kind of) believe in the rule of law.....

(perhaps because there is no other reasonable substitute)

today my notes were "cleared" from the military censors
and I can share with you
what I shared with Judge Bates on Friday...
the most up to date medical condition on my client Mr.Al-Ghizzawi:

read it and weep ...
or laugh..
or whatever it is you do when you see how a country ...
my country
(and maybe yours...)
treats its fellow human beings

Is this torture?
Or do we have some new word for this that somehow explains what we are doing?
Do you you feel safer?

So click on the title and read what it is that we have become...