Monday, January 6, 2025

The talking dog on the eleven

 We are near the end of Gitmo. At least this generation of Guantanamo prisoners. I hesitate to say this is the real end given the assholes who are taking over my country. But I do remain hopeful that the remaining three will also leave in the coming days... leaving only those actually charged or those who pathetically (without representation and without the ability to fully comprehend what they were admitting to) took a plea deal.

So, what does the dog say? Read it here.

11 Yemeni released to Oman

 Yay Joe Biden!

this was a big one. The men from Yemen have been cleared for so long but there was nowhere to send them as they couldn't go back home because of the war.

If the count that I am hearing is correct there are 3 men left who have not been charged or convicted. I sure hope Joe gets those three out before the clown takes office.