Friday, June 7, 2024

Musical interlude

 Every mother's day for many years I have posted the U2 song "Mothers of the disappeared" and dedicated the song to my Guantanamo clients and the many others taken from their homes never to be seen again-- or at least never to be seen for a long time.

This past mother's day in the U.S. was on May 12th. Coincidently, on that same day, the Algerian Government was bringing charges against my remaining Guantanamo client.  Saeed was being charged with being a member of an unknown terrorist organization.  Although held for more than 20 years Saeed was never charged with any crime by the US. The faulty charge however came from random US documents taken out of context. 

I was too preoccupied with the mess our State department caused in Saeed's case to get my usual mother's day song posted.

Now, Saeed is no longer "disappeared" and although his mother was not alive to see him come home this song is for Saeed.