Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newest Torture Memos

I won't have time to really read these until the weekend.... but click on the title and get started.


Tim McCabe, SJ said...

Do you have any theory as to why Obama refuses to indict the CIA operatives involved in these criminal acts of torture?

H. Candace Gorman said...

As I see it Obama has said he will not go after the interrogators but he has said nothing about his position regarding those that actually planned and authorized the policy. I hope that, unlike Bush, he will focus on the big fish and let the small fish live with what they have done...

Anonymous said...

Obama isn't going after any fish; he's just another shark. Take a deep breath and hold it until Saint Obama proscutes any of Bush's torturers; he's too busy with his own -- at Bagram Air Base, where all this continues. Torture is wrong NO MATTER WHO does it, just as murdering people with drones is just as evil as murdering them any other way. It may be rough to say, "I was wrong; Obama is just another tyrannical warmonger," but it's better than becoming complicit by making excuses for such evil.