Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Remember it?
Well it is coming into play again... lets see where it takes us.
You see we have been holding men without charge for years, torturing them and forcing confessions....but one of those men illegally held actually had an indictment against him in NY the whole time we were holding him.
We (the US Government) ignored it and held him and tortured him and now we decided to go ahead (six years later) and try him....sigh.
His attorneys filed this... suggesting to the court that maybe this is just a bit illegal.
read more here ...what you will learn is that our government is still protecting the details of his torture and that somehow our justice department doesn't see anything wrong with holding someone for years on end (maybe forever) without charge... and when they finally do get around to the charges they think we should just sit tight and accept it....kind of like the good old soviet union....
except they didn't have our constitution.


Anonymous said...

"....kind of like the good old soviet union.......

I've said for years that the only difference between us and the old Soviet Union is that WE wear suits and THEY wore military uniforms.

Candice you hit the nail on the head. With the 'fall' of communism - sort of, there HAS to be someone to take their place. Who better? And you can bet China is not only a trading partner. They also serve as a great TEACHER.


Anonymous said...

"....kind of like the good old soviet union.......

I've said for years that the only difference between us and the old Soviet Union is that WE wear suits and THEY wore military uniforms.

Candice you hit the nail on the head. With the 'fall' of communism - sort of, there HAS to be someone to take their place. Who better? And you can bet China is not only a trading partner. They also serve as a great TEACHER.
