Friday, January 8, 2010

NYTs Corrects Itself Again....sort of.

The New York Times has "corrected" the headlines of its repeat story but not the story itself. In an email exchange I had with the public editor yesterday he told me that the NYT stands by the story itself because "The article also pointed out, independently, that the report said 74 former prisoners had engaged in terrorism or militant activity, or were suspected of it, but only 29 were identified – a strong caution for careful readers." Mr. Hoyt also thought the story was more responsible because it wasn't on the front page...sigh.
In a return email I pointed out to Mr. Hoyt that I did not believe that " newspaper articles should be “tricks” that if people read “carefully” they will see the pitfalls.... When the Pentagon makes a report the news reporters job is not to parrot the story but to investigate."

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