Monday, February 16, 2015

Gitmo attorneys speak out about their clients and our clueless senators.....

Two weeks ago in senate hearings two of our more ignorant senators (and believe me it is a real contest to determine who in the senate is the most ignorant...) made some comments about the men at Guantanamo. Senator Cotton thinks the men should all rot in hell (as though Guantanamo is not hell enough) and Senator Graham suggested that the men still at Guantanamo are probably still there because they are a high risk. Really senators? I mean the reason these men are still there is because Graham, Cotton and others have passed legislation making it all but impossible for Obama to release the men-- despite the fact that more than 50 of the men still held have been cleared for release by the federal agencies connected to the hell hole-- including the pentagon, homeland security, justice and national intelligence (an oximoron if I ever heard one....) Each has long ago concluded that the men were not a risk and should be released. 
But I digress....  
Read what several of the Gitmo attorneys have said in response to those senators here, here, and here....

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