Saturday, September 15, 2007


We attorneys have been accused of lots of under handed things by the military (on one occasion when the military screwed up and wouldn't let me see my client they filed a false affidavit in court claiming I did not want to see my client but instead wanted to go bird watching...) now one of the habeas counsel is accused of surreptitiously supplying underwear to two of his clients.... contraband underwear... and a speedo....
you really have to read both letters (below) to understand just how lame the military is.....

August 12, 2007

Re: Discovery of Contraband Clothing in the Cases of Shaker Aamer, Detainee ISN 239, and Muhammed Hamid al-Qareni, Detainee ISN 269

Dear Mr. Stafford Smith.

Your client, Shaker Aamer, detainee ISN 239, was recently discovered to be wearing Under Armor briefs and a Speedo bathing suit. Neither item was issued to the detainee by JTF-Guantánamo personnel, nor did they enter the camp through regular mail. Coincidentally, Muhammed al-Qareni, detainee ISN 269, who is represented by Mr. Katznelson of Reprieve, was also recently discovered to be wearing Under Armor briefs. As with detainee ISN 239, the briefs were not issued by JTF-Guantánamo personnel, nor did they enter the camp through regular mail.

We are investigating this matter to determine the origins of the above contraband and ensure that parties who may have been involved understand the seriousness of this transgression. As I am sure you understand, we cannot tolerate contraband being surreptitiously brought into the camp. Such activities threaten the safety of the JTF-Guantánamo staff, the detainees, and visiting counsel.

In furtherance of our investigation, we would like to know whether the contraband material, or any portion thereof, was provided by you, or anyone else on your legal team, or anyone associated with Reprieve. We are compelled to ask these questions in light of the coincidence that two detainees represented by counsel associated with Reprieve were found wearing the same contraband underwear.

Thank you as always for your cooperation and assistance,


[Name redacted]
Commander, JAGC, US Navy
Staff Judge Advocate


29th August, 2007

Re: The Issue of Underwear (“Discovery of ‘Contraband Clothing’ in the Cases of Shaker Aamer (ISN 239) and Mohammed el-Gharani (ISN 269)”)

Dear Cmdr. [redacted]:

Thank you very much for your letter dated August 12, 2007, which I received yesterday. In it, you discuss the fact that Mr. Aamer was apparently wearing ‘Under Armor briefs’ and some Speedo swimming trunks and that, by coincidence, Mr. el-Gharani was also sporting ‘Under Armor briefs’.

I will confess that I have never received such an extraordinary letter in my entire career. Knowing you as I do, I hope you understand that I do not attribute this allegation to you personally. Obviously, however, I take accusations that I may have committed a criminal act very seriously. In this case, I hope you understand how patently absurd it is, and how easily it could be disproven by the records in your possession. I also hope you understand my frustration at yet another unfounded accusation against lawyers who are simply trying to do their job – a job that involves legal briefs, not the other sort.

Let me briefly respond: First, neither I, nor Mr. Katznelson, nor anyone else associated with us has had anything to do with smuggling ‘unmentionable’ in to these men, nor would we ever do so.

Second, the idea that we could smuggle in underwear is far-fetched. As you know, anything we take in is searched and there is a camera in the room when we visit the client. Does someone seriously suggest that Mr. Katznelson or I have been stripping off to deliver underwear to our clients?

Third, your own records prove that nobody associated with my office has seen Mr. Aamer for a full year. Thus, it is physically impossible for us to have delivered anything to him that recently surfaced on his person. Surely you do not suggest that in your maximum security prison, where Mr. Aamer has been held in solitary confinement almost continuously since September 24, 2005, and where he has been more closely monitored than virtually any prisoner on the Base, your staff have missed the fact that he has been wearing both Speedos and ‘Under Armor’ for 12 months?

Since your records independently establish that neither I nor Mr. Katznelson could not have been the one who delivered such undergarments to Mr. Aamer, this eliminates any ‘coincidence’ in the parallel underwear sported by Mr. el-Gharani. Your letter implies, however, that Mr. Katznelson might have something to do with Mr. el-Gharani’s underthings. Mr. Katznelson has not seen Mr. el-Gharani for four months. As you know, Mr. el-Gharani has been forced to strip naked in front of a number of military personnel on more than one occasion, and presumably someone would have noticed his apparel then.

Without bringing this up with me, it was therefore patently clear that my office had nothing to do with this question of lingerie. However, I am unwilling to allow the issue of underwear to drop there: It seems obvious that the same people delivered these items to both men, and it does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that members of your staff (either the military or the interrogators) did it. Getting to the bottom of this would help ensure that in future there is no shadow of suspicion cast on the lawyers who are simply trying to do their job, so I have done a little research to help you in your investigations.

I had never heard of ‘Under Armor briefs’ until you mentioned them, and my internet research has advanced my knowledge in two ways – first, Under Armour apparently sports a ‘U’ in its name, which is significant only because it helps with the research.

Second, and rather more important, this line of underpants are very popular among the military. One article referred to the fact that “A specialty clothing maker is winning over soldiers and cashing in on war.” See here (emphasis in original). The article goes on to say:

In August [2005], a Baltimore-based clothier popular among military service members got in on the trend. * * * Founded in 1996, Under Armour makes a line of tops, pants, shorts, underwear and other “performance apparel” designed for a simple purpose: to keep you warm in the cold and cool in the heat.

This stuff is obviously good for the men and women stationed in the sweaty climate of Guantánamo, as we could all attest.

It would be worth checking whether this lingerie was purchased from the NEX there in GTMO, since the internet again leads one to suspect that the NEX would be purveyors of Under Armour:

Tom Byrne, Under Armour’s director of new business development, told Army Times that “The product has done very well in PXes across the country and in the Middle East, and we have seen an increasing demand month after month. There is clearly a need for a better alternative than the standard-issue cotton T-shirt.”

There must be other clues as to the provenance of these underpants. Perhaps you might check the label to see whether these are ‘tactical’ underwear, as this is apparently something Under Armour has created specially for the military.

Under Armour has a line of apparel called Tactical that’s modified for soldiers. It features the same styles as civilian tops and bottoms - LooseGear for all purpose conditions, HeatGear and ColdGear, meant for hot and cold weather, as well as a line for women. But Tactical items are offered in army brown, olive drab, midnight navy and traditional black and white. Also, the Tactical section of the Under Armour Web site features military models, not athletes. In one image, a soldier poised on one knee wears a LooseGear shirt, looking as if he’d just as soon take a hill as take off on a run. His muscular arms protrude from the tight, olive-colored fabric. He’s a picture of soldierliness. And he’s totally dry.

I don’t know the color of the underpants sported by Messrs. Aamer and el-Gharani, but that might give you a few tips. Indeed, I feel sure your staff would be able to give you better information on this than I could (though I have done my best) as this Under Armour stuff apparently provokes rave reviews from your colleagues:

Soldier testimonials are effusive. On, a convenient place to buy Under Armour online, a customer who calls himself Spc. Sublett says he’s stationed in Afghanistan. Although his identity cannot be verified, Sublett does note the Tactical line’s less apparent benefits. “Sometimes I have to go long times in hot weather without showers. Under Armour prevents some of the nasty side effects of these extreme conditions. All of my buddies out here use the same thing. They’re soldier-essential equipment. The only thing that would make them better is if the Army would issue them.”

I don’t mean to say that it is an open and shut case proving that your military provided the underwear, as I understand that other people use Under Armour. One group I noticed on the web were the amateur weight lifters, who seem confused as to whether Under Armour gave them a competitive advantage. See, e.g. here (“I was wondering what the rule on Under Armour is? I wear the briefs with my squat suit – it makes it soooo much easier to get over my thighs. My first USAPL meet is coming up and I wanted to get that squared away before I show up – Thanks, [name removed]”).

However, in the grand scheme of things, I would like to think we can all agree that the interrogators or military officers are more likely to have access to Messrs. Aamer and el-Gharani than the US Amateur Power Lifting Association.

On the issue of the Speedo swimming trunks, my research really does not help very much. I cannot imagine who would want to give my client Speedos, or why. Mr. Aamer is hardly in a position to go swimming, since the only available water is the toilet in his cell.

I should say that your letter brought to mind a sign in the changing room of a local swimming pool, which showed someone diving into a lavatory, with the caption, “We don’t swim in your toilet, so please don’t pee in our pool”. I presume that nobody thinks that Mr. Aamer wears Speedos while paddling in his privy.

Please assure me that you are satisfied that neither I nor my colleagues had anything to do with this. In light of the fact that you felt it necessary to question whether we had violated the rules, I look forward to hearing the conclusion of your investigation.

All the best.

Yours sincerely,

Clive A. Stafford Smith


Anonymous said...

Was he wearing the briefs and the Speedo at the same time?

Anonymous said...

If, indeed, these men are threats to our national security, it's so good to know that they're being closely watched over by a corps of utter buffoons. How reassuring to reflect that the military continues to provide fodder for Leno and Letterman. We wouldn't want them to run out of jokes for their monologues, but thanks to the US military in Guatanamo, there's no danger of that.

Spaceribs said...

1. Collect Underpants
2. ???
3. Profit!

Johnny Sapphire said...

That is easily the most fantastic letter I have ever read.

Phillip said...

Bravo! Awesome letter, I look forward to the response.

Antinous said...

Sounds like romantic overtures on the part of the guards. I guess that "don't ask, don't tell" didn't work.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, before this new breed of specialized underwear was created, a Speedo was about the best underclothing to wear if you weren't going to be showering or washing your clothes very often. In other words, it's quite likely that some military personnel wear Speedos for the same purpose that they wear Under Armour: it doesn't stretch out and it resists smelling bad far longer than traditional cotton or poly briefs.

Anonymous said...

Reading between the lines, this story suggests that these prisoners aren't being allowed to wash - which would be bad enough for any of us, but it seriously violates Muslim practices.

Anonymous said...

Why did you post the names of your clients, who we are suppose to give the presumption of innocence, and redact the name of a public servant who gets his paycheque from the taxpayers?

Angel with a crooked halo said...

how telling is it when he states that it's been over a year since he actually saw his client? habeus shmabeus

Tex said...

The military is staffed by people just like you. While I'm sure the culture of the jailers at Gitmo is different than the real military, or at least my branch of it, I can certainly attest that the military as a whole is not lame.

To put things in perspective, while it is ridiculous to claim that possessing non-issued briefs is a threat to security, the fact that something was "smuggled" to him is a threat.

The condescending and unprofessional tone of the response letter not withstanding, if he is so closely monitored and still able to get non-reg civvies, then it seems like the ol' file in a cake trick might work as well.

Anonymous said...

"The military is staffed by people just like you"

it's likely that the poor bastard who originally wrote this thought it was as idiotic as I do.

it's also worthy of note that likely some gitmo guard risked punishment to make the miserable life of this prisoner a little better by giving him these comfortable underwear. Whether this particular prisoner was really a "bad guy" I have no idea; but the evidence seems pretty clear that the majority of them aren't.

The bottom line remains, however, that *someone* in the chain of command told the military attorney to write the letter.

"The condescending and unprofessional tone of the response letter not withstanding"

I agree that the letter was condescending; it deserved to be, presuming the facts as stated in that letter are true.

Unprofessional? Nope. When presented with a ridiculous accusation in a professional capacity, ridiculing the accuser is an appropriate response.

"something smuggled to him was a threat"

Sure. But the attorney clearly didn't smuggle it, or anything else.

Anonymous said...

I hope all of these terrorists rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the a new plot for Mission Impossible 4....These speedo's will now self-destruct.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I told those guys. If you are ever caught, eat your underpants!

Anonymous said...

It is not difficult to appreciate why our government, our economy, public education, public health/public policy, et al., as well as much of the respect we commanded and goodwill we once engendered on the world stage...has gone to hell in a hand-basket. When the toadies of our current leaders (read: Dear Mr. Bush, and cronies) spend more time being concerned with the dangers of smuggling contraband boxer briefs to those sorry detainees at Gitmo than with how we expect to accomplish a return to the balanced budget the US enjoyed only seven short years ago, how can we expect other great nations to take our leaders seriously? How can we take ourselves seriously, for we voted these imbeciles into office?

With all due respect to the JAG at Guantanamo Bay,

Dr. Jonas Moses (former US Army officer, Medical Corps, Brooke Army Medical Center)

owlsheadpete said...

FWIW, A Muslim in college would shower in a speedo for modesty. I'm in the Air Force, and I would be shocked if it wasn't the guards that provided the mentioned unmentionables. The guards surely know that most in GITMO have not been charged, and that some of those that have been exonerated are still their because their home country will not take them back like the Uighur

If they are guilty, let them chafe until kingdom come, but until we have proven them so (and not by coerced confessions BTW), let them know the silky embrace of professional grade skivies.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Chris Cohen said...

If they really wanted to know where he got the undies, why not just torture him a bit? I'm sure he'd give up the info eventually!

Anonymous said...

duO86C Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

Nqz3DT Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

N3Au26 You have a talant! Write more!

Anonymous said...

QDo7H9 Good job!

Anonymous said...

wJ5l8Q Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

VnMcGr The best blog you have!

Anonymous said...

hMlNXY Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

xQ6RWR write more, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?

Anonymous said...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Anonymous said...

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

Anonymous said...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

Anonymous said...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

Anonymous said...

Save the whales, collect the whole set

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

Anonymous said...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

Anonymous said...

A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

Anonymous said...

640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81

Anonymous said...

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Anonymous said...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

Anonymous said...

All generalizations are false, including this one.

Anonymous said...

Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

Anonymous said...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!

Anonymous said...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Anonymous said...

Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

Anonymous said...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

Anonymous said...

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

Anonymous said...

A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.

Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

Anonymous said...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

Anonymous said...

640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81

Anonymous said...

C++ should have been called B

Anonymous said...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

truggle45 said...

Such an abundance of competing strangenesses.....fertile ground for insurging.

Anonymous said...

Chris said...

If they really wanted to know where he got the undies, why not just torture him a bit? I'm sure he'd give up the info eventually!

Anonymous said...

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