Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today's hearing at the kangaroo court differs only slightly from yesterday....Click on the title to see what Spencer Ackerman has to say.
And click here to read what Andy Worthington has to say about Obama's legacy in making his first commission hearing one in which we are prosecuting a 15 year old who was seriously injured when US troops attacked the village he was living in.... good job Barack.
And just in case you are wondering....most of the judges hearing the habeas cases will not give any credence to things learned while the men were being held at Bagram.....it has been pretty well established that the place was a torture chamber....that of course hasn't stopped some of those same judges from denying the habeas petitions for men who later repeated the lies that were tortured out of them while at Bagram (most likely because the men were afraid to switch to the truth...).

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