Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Bring back Dwight Eisenhower

Supreme Court's new term ... Judicial culture war ... Motions for Trump's immunity determinations ... Cognitive decline on the election trail ... Judges waiting to muddle the election results ... Election countdown ... Plans for a new Supreme Court ... Our US legal correspondent Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

"[Trump] was a particularly unattractive version of his titanically arrogant, spectacularly dishonest and shockingly ill-informed self, claiming that Democrats were slaughtering newborns, that Harris was a Marxist, that he'd championed the Affordable Care Act, that the Jan. 6 rioters were veritable peaceniks and that as soon as he turns his gilded hand to the war between Russia and Ukraine ... it will magically end" - NYT's Frank Bruni on the Harris-Trump debate

"[N]o one in the Republican party dare say the emperor is naked and demented" - Salon

"[T]he press ... is the weak slat under the bed of democracy" - AJ Liebling

The countdown to the presidential election has begun, and the media, clinging to the safer narrative, have given the candidates the full horse race spin. Although Trump's cognitive decline should be topic one, his rallies are often reported in facile headlines and articles that ignore, paper-over or polish the incoherent rants of the half-mad Republican candidate. 

The ex-president, now a convicted felon, has moved beyond personality disorder, egomania and malignant narcissism, into new realms of fantasy beliefs, yet his craziness is scrubbed up by the media.

At the 11th hour, in the midst of media "sane-washing", Trump's mental fitness is finally being addressed, even by the timid NY Times

As a Salon columnist remarked, the former president "was always hobbled with severe personality disorders and a lifelong aversion to learning, but this is different. He's losing words, forgetting basic details (like who he's running against) and droning on about stuff that only makes sense in his fractured brain".

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"[I]f the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court ... the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having ... practically resigned their Government into the hands of that ... tribunal" - Abraham Lincoln

"Judicial activism is a great threat to the rule of law because unaccountable federal judges are usurping democracy, ignoring the constitution and separation of powers, and imposing their personal opinions on the public ... We oppose stealth nominations to the federal bench ..." - Republican Party platform (2008)


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